Controlling radiator fans by water temperature works like a champ - my 24/7 rig does that. No unneeded whoosh every time CPU load steps up.
Any 10K-ohm temperature sensor will work. There are many makers and brands. Frozen CPU carries many to choose from.
Put a temperature sensing plug in an unused port at the radiator intake, or maybe add a 3- or 4-port coupling that can hold the sensor. Either way, I suggest the radiator intake is the highest temperature in the water loop and is the best place to control the radiator fan. Connect the sensor to a motherboard temp monitor header and set a chassis fan header to be controlled by the water temp monitor.
Note that in the BIOS monitor tab, the CPU fan header can be set to IGNORE. No more nagging. I have my 24/7 and testbench rigs set that way. I also think that BIOS is the best place to select fan control profiles or set your own custom profile -- less load on the cpu while running.