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BIOS 3501 -> dead CPU ?

Level 7
Has RVE just killed my 1000+ EUR i7-5960X CPU ? All worked ok until I upgraded my motherboard to latest BIOS 3501. Now it won't boot anything. Not MacOSX (hackintosh), Linux, Windows, etc. Not even using a Linux installation USB disk. I have tried different RAM combinations, reset BIOS, downgraded to 3402, nothing. I can get to BIOS but then it gets stuck at different points before I manage to load an OS e.g. upto microcode for CPU 11 for the Linux installer case (but q code is AA). Used another 5960X with the Rampage V, it works. Used the (now) mulfunctioning CPU in another known-to-work motherboard (Gigabyte) it does NOT work. It seems that the CPU is the problem.

Can I do anything ?*

Level 9
Find phone number of intel Support
then they will replace if it under warranty

Darox wrote:
Find phone number of intel Support
then they will replace if it under warranty

Thanks for the reply. I don't know if RMA is an option (I am an expat in China), besides I don't even know where my receipt is.

Should I blame/curse Intel or Asus or both ?

update: I filled an RMA report to Intel so I will just wait and see.

Level 13
I would do a bios flash back and see if that dont take care of it. do it twice in a row. micro code will update two times.

Downgrade to 3301 atleast

good luck

meankeys wrote:
I would do a bios flash back and see if that dont take care of it. do it twice in a row. micro code will update two times.

Downgrade to 3301 atleast

good luck

Just writing to report that I haven't tried that (thanks for the suggestion anyway) as I had already sent the CPU to Intel for RMA. The new CPU works and I have stayed with the old BIOS since then.