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Asus X99 Strix - 24Gb or 16Gb memory

Level 9
Hey guys,

I had installed 6 memory card on my Asus X99 Strix.

However, 2 memories card running 2133Mhz and the rest (4) memories card running until 3000Mhz.

Which is better for performance in games and window:

- Only install the 04 memories card running 3000Mhz (quad channel) ?


- Keep my pc with 06 memories card running 2133Mhz (not quad channel) ?

Thanks so much for cooperation and patience.

Lucas Rezende.

Level 8
Some lecture 😉

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk

namoi wrote:
Some lecture 😉

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk

Thanks Namoi!

As my english is too poor to read correct it, I though better to keep the 06 memories cards on my mobo (24Gb).

Actually, I had tried testing both possibles, but I didnt observe different performance with 16Gb (Quad Channel) or 24Gb (06 memories card).

Another Intel I7 5820k only support the memories cards running up 2133Mhz 😞 😞

Anyway, thanks again for article! =]

Level 8
2133 is the memory frequency Intel rated fir that platform. You can go much higher than this just by enbabling xmp profile (which will overclock the ram for you at the specs the manufacturer tested and validated the kit... Read it... The kit)

You can also manually overclock you sticks. If you have a kit you should easily bump it some hundreds megahertz above the xmp profile BUT if you mix sticks problems will potentially arise, and the more speedy your ram the more it is true as the article I linked above perfectly explain.

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namoi wrote:
2133 is the memory frequency Intel rated fir that platform. You can go much higher than this just by enbabling xmp profile (which will overclock the ram for you at the specs the manufacturer tested and validated the kit... Read it... The kit)

You can also manually overclock you sticks. If you have a kit you should easily bump it some hundreds megahertz above the xmp profile BUT if you mix sticks problems will potentially arise, and the more speedy your ram the more it is true as the article I linked above perfectly explain.

Sent from my XT1562 using Tapatalk

Thanks Namoi! =]

The XMP is enable on Bios.

I resolved to keep 24Gb with 02 different memory kits:

- 02 memories cards run up 2133Mhz
- 04 memories cards run up 3000Mhz

So, the memories cards kits are running both 2133Mhz with 24Gb on Windows 10. That's fine!

Level 8

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