You are doing an absolutely tremendous job, and I am clueless as to why such a big organisation as asus is not able to deliver anywhere near the same support value, for millions of dollars. They should hire you on the spot in they have any sort of de...
LLC4 is usually fine. Yes in theory you want the lowest LLC, but its not that simple, because as mentioned earlier over/undershoot gets worse with lower LLC. Transients gets worse with higher LLC which to my knowledge is not a problem when just avoid...
Also higher LLC => worse transient response. Meaning "unstable voltage during transitions". These spikes can often crash a system that is switching between C states all the time. So often High LLC is used with fixed multiplier and fixed voltage - an...
Pushing LLC is for extreme overclocking. It is not really meant for daily use, to my knowledge. What you want to do is find the "best" SVID behavior that runs without crashing , before touching LLC. LLC is very expensive in terms of heat and power - ...