Level 7
since ‎11-07-2015

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  • 27 Posts
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I recently picked up some sennheiser hd650 headphones for use with my hero viii mobo. I've noticed if i connect via the front headphone jack it will detect the impedance (300ohms) and automatically set the amp to extreme, But when connected to the ba...
Hi,I'm trying to find a comfortable mild overclock for my 6700k,My current Bios (1102) setting is 4.4 @ 1.310 volts in manual mode however cpu-z and HWMonitor show it sitting on 1.328 then jumping to 1.360 under load.Is there a setting I'm overlookin...
Hi,I noticed after shut down the rgb settings reset on my VIII Hero.Is there a way to make Asus lighting control remember my colour preference and apply it at start up?Or even better set it in the bios? Thanks,
Hi,Just picked up my hero VIII a week ago.I'm getting this error in 3dmark : Invalid score Time measurement data not available. From what i can tell it means my motherboard isn't keeping time correctly,I also noticed the system clock was behind by ab...