An example, I'm running 2 CMK16GX4M2C4266C19 kits with an Asus X299 PRIME DELUXE whereas its QVL stops at DDR4 4200.However, the mobo posts finally after pushing VCCIO and VSA to 1.2v, without enabling XMP profil.I set rams to 4000 Mhz 1T-16-17-17-35...
We've to keep in mind incompatible ram module may prevent motherboard from booting.Ram module identified on QVL are fine to be installed. However, I understood high ram clock frequencies may need to push VCCIO, VSA, VDDR voltages to allow booting and...
Hello mates,do you still encounter issues to boot with XMP enabled @ 4266 Mhz cas 19 ?At my side, 8700k (SR3QR) @ stock speed and Vcore on auto, I'm fine booting . However, I raised CPU VCCIO and CPU System Agent Voltage to 1.22v.Bios is last ...