Level 12
since ‎09-13-2012

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Hi forum people,For the least two years, i using kit memories Dominator GT CMT16GX3M4X2133C9 on my Rampage 4E. with much satisfaction on performance.The CPU is ovlclk @ 4550 Mhz and RAM is ovlclk @ 2204 Mhz always OK with no problems .Other voltage...
Hi people, There is a strange inconsistency between the loading speed of my PC Win 7 Pro 64, and an other PC, between the lights of the Microsoft logo, to the desktop ready for use. My PC takes 18 seconds and is structured as follows: Rampage bios ...
Hi people,I forever use Internet Explorer 10, but yesterday I tried to install Google Crome v.32.0.1700 just to see how to use it and entering in the classic sites that I use frequently, I found an unwelcome surprise coming right in our Forums, where...
Hello people ,often on the forum I have seen that many are able to turn memories on the type CMT16GX3M4X2133C9 @ 2400 MHz with overclocking , but more evidence do the more I am convinced that for my PC , there is an insurmountable barrier @ 2240 Mhz ...
Hi people, A little help please.Twice I tried to flash both the bios 4102 and 4206 8 in bios cip 1) and both times after a reboot, gave a double boots with the messages updating UEFI-1 and UEFI-2.... but after the complete setup of the new bios, the...