Level 7
since ‎03-05-2014

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  • 8 Posts
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Hello ProGuys.Just a direct question.Is it my impression or sometime the screen automatically "adjust" the brightness for some reason?I have not any power management software, and windows power safe is off.I think to see the brightness changing whil...
Hi guys.Someone of you maybe can help me with this issue.The shortcuts icons on my desktop are covered by a black square, and this come back even if I delete or create new icons.Just tried other solutions, like Hijackthis or rebuilding the icons cach...
]Hello guys.I purchased a GX750JH, I still don't understand why there isn't a default blu ray player, considering the top line of this product.Here my question: which is the best choice to play blu ray? Cyberlink, Arcsoft or is AsusDVD player able t...