My ryujin iii is new but i cant help but think it should be brighter. It was on 70% with new system install - but adjusting it to 0 or 100% doesnt change the brightness. Any workaround? I have reformatted the computer recentlyI have reinstalled ar...
My screen was super bright since installed 1.5 weeks ago. Today when I turned it on it was quite dim. I checked the lighting in armoury and it was set to 30%. So i moved it to 100%, saved, applied, restarted, and its still very dim. Any advice? ...
I have an older rig (7 years old) but I have a 2080ti in it. Its time to upgrade.Im definitely going with intel 9900KS, but trying to figure out which mobo to go with. I love asus and I have had my Rampage IV extreme work flawlessly through out the...
So ever time i turn the computer off - i have to reset the BIOS using a usb with R4E.cap otherwise I get error 01 when I turn it back on. *I have tried about 8 different BIOS versions but this keeps happening. The computer runs flawless, with or wit...
Out of the blue my system started freezing only when playing video games, in this case overwatch.*I changed my video card out to a 2080ti at Christmas and have had no problems. *I was using a 1080ti prior. *PSU is a 1200w cooler master.After no updat...
So I have a defective screen? Because the brightness is very very dim. If you look at any video review online the brightness is 10x brighter. How do I RMA the screen?