a7omic wrote:For temporary purposes, here are links to the bios and UEFI GOP tool respectively. The rom is for a GTX 670 DCII TOP.https://www.dropbox.com/s/hlt5ecsquy8pxn9/GTX670%20DC2T%20UEFI%20GOP.romhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/swqver50p6483ho/UEFI%2...
Eliott wrote:for information, the download link given by Marshall at first post is now dead.Here is the correct link to download the update tool https://w01.asuswebstorage.com/webrelay/directdownload/9f7rny45s4yanyswg/?dis=10014&fi=464340797The tool ...
michyprima wrote:thank you buddy for posting this.starting from your file, I modded your bios to match the non TOP 670 frequencies/voltages.It's perfectly stable and fast boot WORKS on my asrock Z68 motherboard. it's just ridiculous how asus manages ...
MarshallR@ASUS wrote:Links will be updated with official ASUS ones early next week sorry.Taz - we don't validate non-ASUS boards sorry. Use as your own risk. GTX 690s are not supported by this application and there is another thread about them.Fine g...
Can anyone share a GTX660TI Bios (Uefi version) preferable the DC2T(op) version but all others will also be fine!Asus : You suck with this! I match all criteria but the tool only verifies if its an asus mainboard and if not it's GOTO END.It's a bit r...