Hey my friend, after changing the PSU same thing. I was desperate and i was changing stuff around. I even changed the monitor if you can imagine my desparation. Lastly i changed the power strip and boom everything runs smoothly. I want to thank you f...
Unbelievable, turns out is the power strip. After the xmp problably broke inside and after 20 min it would power enough the PC. i want to cry really. I litterly changed everything on the comptuter and it was the simplest thing. Thank you.
Hey, requested a return on the PSU as well. Lets see. If its not that i dont have a single clue what it can be. It all began after i XMP the through the motherboard. I even installed the Windows to a differnt disk driver to exlude that as well. Do yo...
Hello once again. Going crazy here. I just changed the CPU and i have the same issue. The only thing left is the PSU that i didnt change. What else could it be that i havent tried? Should i try once more to do a format?
I dont think this is the case for me. Since i changed the motherboard and took a good look to my CPU. Also PC was working fine for the first two months. It is definently the XMP tha messed the system up. 750w PSU can support i913000k gpu: GeForce RTX...