Level 8
since ‎08-01-2023

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  • 10 Posts
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  • 2 Kudos given
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PLEASE SEE LAST MY LAST REPLY FOLLOWUP FOR NEWS >>I guys,For your info, as with BIOS 2602 update, all settings erased to factory default. I retuned it instead of trying to reload to 1803 configuration file (if it works). I'm running 4x16GB DDR5 and w...
According to other ASUS motherboards taking OC 7800MHz / 8000MHz, do you think ProArt can get these performances ? I got mine running at 7200MHz well for now after a few hours up time.
Hi guy's, for your infos, after many time spent on overclocking my PC, I finally got something seems to works. After tries and errors and BIOS updates, I got my ProArt run at 7200MHz stable for now. XMP 1/2/3 (Tweak) are not working but AI Overclocki...
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