Si tienes este problema lo mejor es reemplazar la tarjeta de Wifi, cualquier cosa que hagas lo que dicen en este post es una solucion temporal, lo mas eficaz y permanente es cambiar la tarjeta Wifi (El problema son las altas temperaturas). Aunque lo ...
bruhhh, I gave up. I posted here while ago and that was the last thing I did. Moved the ssd to another slot, the wifi and BT kept going well during days but then the problem just appear, Heat/High Temperatures damages this crappy ass wifi/BT card, I'...
What I think I think could be the cause of the problem I guess it is the heating of the Wifi board, its kinda weird but this problem makes sense in my case this problem occurred now in summer, what I did was keep my laptop temperatures low and anoth...
Idk what i did it seems that the problem is solved but not at all cuz sometimes the wifi still disappear but not while playing games anymore i can keep playing a long while without any wifi disconnection although what i remember did i download the la...
nvm ☠️, well is more stable than before, i just faced a freezing and forced to restart the laptop, then the wifi disappeared so i restarted it again and now its doing well, its already the second time that happens when i installed the driver but the ...