Hi, I was able to resolve the pixel flicker in the following way:
Right click Windows desktop > display setting > scroll down to advanced display > make sure PG42UQ is selected. Under choose a refresh rate, set it to 120Hz. Being at 119.88Hz was what...
I have been using firmware v040 for a couple of days now. I believe it greatly resolves all the issues I have encountered up to this point. Blackouts do not seem to occur at a regular interval, and it seems that the monitor now has the capability to ...
I hope you are continuing to investigate this issue.
One additional piece of information I can provide: if you manually perform pixel cleaning via the OSD during the initial four hour period after booting the computer, the four hour period will b...
Thanks for your reply.
I can answer some of your questions right now, but for the others it will take time for me to perform tests.
At 00:00:06 in the video, there are two displays shown in your Windows display settings.Could you please confirm if yo...
I have managed to capture a video of this problem occuring on the PG42UQ. Please find it at the following address.
In this video, you can see the PG42UQ shortly before the issue occurs. The screen is show...