A . K . A . How the Flip did my BIOS get corrupted?
I don't know how.. but they do sometimes.. maybe it's bit rot, maybe it's the hand of god, maybe it's an ASUS designed failure to help their RMA ...
Unknown Residue - Back-Side of ASUS X99 RAMPAGE Edition 10 (immediate shutdown on pwr-on)
I have some theories.. such as electrolysis like reaction to current and heat over time.. random debris from handling or production. Coolant droplet? Flat-E...
Hey Max, Thanks for the reply. My apologies for such a late response, I only getting around to checking the ROG forum ever couple of months now. I've been recovering ASUS X99 motherboards for a couple of years now, probably my luckiest was an X99 Ra...
Hi Maxcraft,
It's always very sad when a wonderful PC does this. Over time the components will start to wear out mechanically, chemically and electrically.
The first thing I would recommend you do is not power the pc on again until you've got some t...
G'day Dragon 酪-- Before we beginMake sure you are setting a 'Stock Overclocking Profile' under the Tools heading in the BIOS Menu. Call it your default working profile and save it into the last numbered profile slot. When you change the BIOS RAM F...
I like to break ASUS hardware.
It my happy place :)