Level 7
since ‎03-13-2013

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  • 28 Posts
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I quite happy with my R4F Motherboard and upgraded system. I have Skyrim, a steam game, on the old system. How do I get it (or any game for that matter) up and running with same progress and stats on the new system? I have my own backups of all...
I am building a new rig around a Rampage 4 Formula, and putting Windows 8 on an SSD (and Classic Shell to kill Metro of course!). When I install the OS, only the SSD will be in the system. I know to set the drive configuration to AHCI and update B...
I'm building a new rig with an R4F and i7 3820. I know i will need to install Windows 7. Should I get an SSD to put the operating system on? I will have 16 gigs of fast quad channel RAM, so I can use it, or RAM disk, for operating speeds 10 to 15 ...
Greetings. I just joined today. I've been using and overclocking PCs for almost 30 years. I game and use the computer for work. 1) I am rebuilding my system and only need Mobo, CPU, and memory. I have a Gigabyte Windforce GTX 680 (love it), and a...