Level 7
since ‎02-15-2020

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  • 9 Posts
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Hi!, i cant no longer see per app usage on Traffic analyzer after the update in the title. It shoed perfectly before.No of my devices uses vpn.Its the same on whatever device i click on.See atached imagemy router is asus gt-ac5300
I have recently gotten 2 firmware version updates and im currently at I noticed that most of my settings seems reverted to default almost like a factory reset.port forwarding ports is now reverted to no ports openaiprotect detection...
So when i use origin or steam to download a game. I set the limit on 10 MB/s which is around 80 mbits. i have fiber optic connection with super stable 100 mbits download and upload speed. the packet loss is always at 0% when im not downloading in csg...
Hi! i have an asus GT-AC5300 and i experience 5-12% packet loss in csgo while downloading through steam or microsoft store.I have tried both limiting only on the routers side with help of QOS where i prioritized game packets. It did slow down the dow...