Shenny wrote:A new non-beta BIOS available on the download page, promising to "Fix AMD fTPM issue causes random stuttering." I won't have time to flash it and test it today. Any impressions?I downloaded the new BIOS 4403 yesterday and installed it on...
Shenny wrote:More than two months since the last BIOS release... Is the mobo going out of maintenance?I wouldn't think so. There are probably no important bugs pending resolution. I would imagine there will be a new BIOS for the v-cache 5xxx series p...
PavelPr wrote:That's not precisely accurate. The vBIOS update executable (RTX3090_V3.exe) bears, in fact, a self-extracting archive that contains 17 different ROM files (presumably for different cards and modes). That archive also contains other exec...
kheopstr wrote:i had the same problem when i trying to flash my strix 3090 oc, i fixed issue with switching display port to another. ps: i still dont know last i used the dp will run fine or not. One more thing when i flashed bios on performance mo...