Orodruin wrote:I have been using my computer intensively for two days. I reverted to version 3801. And there seems to be no errors for now.I've rebooted multiple times. I put it to sleep mode and woke it back up. It did not repeat the same problem. I...
JBROG87 wrote:Did they say any more details about it ? Is this something that will eventually brick the motherboard? Or will it just have this behaviour without getting worseNo he says only, that they have found the issue on my motherboard, and i nee...
JBROG87 wrote:No it wouldnt solve it, it is a hardware defect, no bios update can fix it.Just keep trying the issue will re-occur.It helps to let the PC run maybe a game or something for 30 min and then try until it occurs.Correct, that was even conf...
JBROG87 wrote:It's a hardware defect caused by poor manufacturing.The solution is to disassemble your PC and send your motherboard to Asus, wait a few weeks or months and then they return it with a 'possible fix' and it might then work, if not, try a...