Level 7
since ‎01-22-2020

User Statistics

  • 4 Posts
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User Activity

Good Day everyone, for the past week I am wrestling this problem where my computer would freeze suddenly in between operation and monitor starts flickering/glitching like crazy (Sometimes my monitor even produces a crackling sound when it happens) I ...
Hello, For nearly a year I've been receiving error code "00" on my Asus motherboard. No POST happens a lot of times but after turning it off and on for a couple of times(Sometimes just leaving it off for a few hours and then turning it on again) it w...
For a long time(Years) my computer fan used to scream like a banshee whenever I worked in video editing or I turned my OBS recording on. It was only recently I realized that my CPU is overheating a lot constantly. The temperature went to 80C+ on Load...