James1o1o wrote:Even months after I purchased the card? If I could switch to a GTX 770 I would love that.I would really recommend at least trying to get a 770 as a replacement. I received a 770 4Gb last week as a replacement for the Asus 280x Direct...
stryfe wrote:I would if I wasn't stuck with over $200 in water blocks.Are the water blocks still in their packaging? If so, couldn't you return them or sell them on ebay? Also, I think you said you just got another Asus 280x in the last couple of day...
stryfe wrote:Guess I kinda asked for it since the seller told me the card was returned. Should of refused it then, none the less returning the old card and just bought a new one from Newegg! If it were me, I'd stay well away from the Asus 280x Direc...
XarupS wrote:Thank ya for supporting my efforts man. I dealed with the seller to pay extra and get a R9 290 Tri-X from Sapphire. "Version 100362-2SR".It's a non overclocked edition with lower frequencies on memories, 512bits bandwitch and the most im...