Hi I've noticed that my laptop monitor is performing perfectly without any issues but whenever I connect to any monitor using any vga cord, I see horizontal black lines moving up and down on the screen. Is there any way to fix/diagnose this?
It would really help if I could get 50hz refresh rate on my monitor. Some of my applications only support 50hz and I'm witnessing microstutters and jitters because I can't change it from 60hz in the AMD CCC.
If I connect my vga cable to any monitor or tv, I get a horizontal line problem, grey and black lines all over the screen. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? There was a time when this did not happen.
dstrakele wrote:What model ASUS laptop are you connecting to the external monitor?What is the native resolution and refresh rate of your external monitor? Are those the settings you are using?What version video driver are you running?Does the issue ...