Allways when AC get a Update something won´t be available in Fan Xpert!! This Time there is no GPU present in the source menu to control the Fan Curve...
Same issue with Maximus Formula Z690...It`s always the same: When AC shows an Update, my heart feels like standing still and my Hands began to sweat, because my brain is asking "will all be functional after the update & reboot?"And it`s always the sa...
Hi, I have same issue since last BIOS update - randomly the USB Ports disconnecting. I tried to reduce USB Devices, other Ports (Back, Front, Headers on MB), Enable/Disable XHCI in BIOS, reinstall OS (Windows 10) - nothing works!
Beauzinga wrote: BIOS keeps resetting to AURA Only. Is there a software setting I’m missing in AURA Creator that’s causing it to reset all the time? Anyone else having this issue?I've had same issue for a long time. You must install Armoury Crate...