What happened to the theme in version After the update, I see what is on the screenshots. I choose any theme in the settings - everything is the same. Tried reinstalling, the situation does not change.Previously there was a beautiful red th...
After update on 413 bios version, bluetooth device dont work, bluetooth don't find any devices. Connected devices same dont work.Windows 10 Pro. Installed last drivers on BT and wi-fi.Item Version ---- ...
Hi, I have 2 notebook GA503QS-HQ021T! A day after the purchase, probably after an update asus software and drivers automaticaly, tweeters stopped playing! The first laptop was returned to the seller. What to do???? Item Versio...
UP!On version Version same! I completely delete armoury crate using "Armoury Crate Uninstall Tool Version", I delete all service and folder. I try Installing with admin acc "Run as Administrator". I didn't get any errors while insta...
Hello! Theme problem after update on version 5.0.10 & 5.0.11 - https://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?126948-Version-5-0-10-0-theme-problemPlease help.
Jimbo93 wrote:CAUTION! There are tasks that need to be disabled too or you will get some error message in clean boot. See my clean boot method here https://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?126019-Jimbo%92s-uninstall-procedure-for-a-problem-free-re-i...