Level 7
since ‎02-26-2013

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  • 39 Posts
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Think there is something that play with my BCLK. How do I find out what it is?I have: Rampage V Extreme X99G.skill F4-3200C16Q-16GRKD 3200MHzAsus GTX770-DC2OC-2GD5Intel Core i7-5820KWindows 8.1I have OC 5820K to 4,2Ghz. Everything else is on default/...
Have problems with my video card, GTX 770. Did contact with nvidia, they believe the BIOS has compatibility issues with my video card... Could it be possible? The motherboard is new? The screen goes black when I installing the driver.Nvidia would co...
Have tried several video cards. Have tried several video cards. When I install the graphics driver, the screen goes black and completely gone? What could be wrong? 
Have GTX 780 support for UEFI without the need to flash? 
Something wrong with my motherboard. My video card Asus X650 Ti lights red in my NEW motherboard and it does not work everything else works. Tried two graphics and no work. Can be incompatible? Flashback does not work either. So do not get updated t...