Level 7
since ‎12-26-2011

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  • 15 Posts
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So, I have an F50Sf with 4Gb of Ram and the P8700 CPU. Now, I was wondering if there were any better CPU's I can put in it and how much RAM I can put in it. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
So, I have a three month old G74 i ordered through with all the bells and whistles, like 16 gigs of ram and the i7-2860M CPU, but I think the graphics card may be defective. Basically, with skyrim on high settings, i get an average...
Basically, Nvidia's website and my skyrim launcher all say it should be able to run on ultra without lag, but it wont even run somewhat smoothly on high! This especially doesn't make sense since i have the 290.53 driver!!! Can some one please help me...
Well, first, i am going to sue astro's ass of over their quality control, but for now, i will post this. So, my the tip of my headphone plug broke off in my jack, and after i got it out, the jack started emiting this red light and it became finicky a...
So, for christmas i got a brand new G74sx-DH73-3D from power notebooks so i could have a better CPU in it. So, basically, I ordered it with the i7-2860QM, and i have no issues with my CPU. However, i am still lagging when playing games like skyrim an...