MCube74 wrote:You installed a noctua fan over the pch heatsink (cover)? Isnt there the ROG RGB logo there?How did you manage to install the fan? *What’s holding the fan?Currently in Windows 10 the PCH temp stays around 68 degrees c to 71degrees C i...
MCube74 wrote:I tried the settings you suggested but the PCH temps didn't change in the bios. It stays about the same at 80 degree C to 85 degrees C.Did you remove the plastic protection on the chipset heatsink?Wondering if we can install a Noctua ...
Thank you TasmaN . Definitely it helped a lot. Regarding my higher ambient temp - 30C. Temperature went down again. But still I removed plastic cover and installed additional ventilator and now I see there 45C. without your solution and ever...
I have the same MOBO but populated with i7-11700K. PCH has 70-80C during idle load (ambient temperature is 30C). So I disassembled plastic cover above PCH heat sink. Temperature went down approx. by 10C. And when I added another 80x80 noctua ventilat...