Level 7
since ‎08-22-2012

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I am using the 4804 BIOS, and my CPU max boost ratio is set to 43 for 4300Mhz target. However, I have noticed lately that the CPU only runs at 4300 Mhz the first 30 seconds to a minute or so after booting into Windows, then as SpeedStep kicks in, t...
Everything works fine other than this louder than normal beep I hear every time it POST. Is this normal for BIOS 4004?Seems only doing it during warm boot, cold boot is fine.
Currently I do not have the molex PCI-E power connector hooked up. I've been running GTX690 overclocked without issues. (before upgraded to the 690, I had two heavily OC'ed 480s but no issues as well) I have seen someone having issues with 670 S...
I keep hearing on other forums that this patch is needed if you want to enable PCI-E 3.0 support on SB-E/X79 motherboards for Nvidia 600 series cards. I have a GTX690 and GPU-Z already reports that both cores are running at PCI-E 3.0, so does this m...
As I was popping the old video card out of the board, my screwdriver slipped off the the little white clip and hit the motherboard (the sound it made was quite loud). I inspected the area closely and took a few pics. They look OK to me, but I wante...