a Recent Windows update did this to my Z270. A fresh reinstall of Windows 10 solved the problem. Likely something to do with the sound driver. you could try and mess around uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers.
It indeed will work, but its not ideal. This will activate the nf200 chip and increase latencies with the 2 cards. for a 2 card system, your best bet is slots 1 and 3for 3 cards its 1, 2, 4 engaging the nf200.you could go 2 and 4 but this engages aga...
I found this problem cropped up after my last Bios update. I managed to get them workin again after a driver uninstall, full power down (and unplugged, mb discharged)however now the ports initialize but still dont work properly.I hope asus is on it, ...