I'm using a splitter on my Noctua PWM fans too, but they are the same fan, works fine. Have you tried hooking them up individually to the header and see if you can fully control them? I'd test that, then if there is one that is fully controlled...
Baio73 wrote:It sounds strange to me that "safe" settings can give 14-15-15-15-30 results at 3600... are you sure you set all the variables correctly?Start with A0 first.BaioI haven't USED the 14-15-15-15-30 before, because I was able to get 16-16-16...
I believe that many people believe that clocking infinity fabric, and advance timings is a right... not a privilege. After Zen2, hitting 3800/1900 was pretty easy, and provided a slight boost across the board. Put the new chip in, and there are...
I'm really hoping they get it worked out... Just odd that on the same hardware minus the Zen3 chip, that I could get 3800/1900 all day long on my 3900x, considering they are supposed to have the same IMC... But hopefully they will work this out s...
Baio73 wrote:Hi bud,Have you tried using DRAM Calculator? I mean also setting the PSU Section values.BaioI can say that I have tried the "Safe" calculator settings... 14-15-15-15-30.... with my 3600 B-die, at 3600/1800 2x16Gb Neo kit, and the syst...