Level 8
since ‎06-16-2019

User Statistics

  • 9 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 2 Kudos given
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User Activity

Hello,I bought Ryzen 3900x the day it was launched, from a 100% reputable and legit online store. Now I was checking something and noticed that on HWinfo cpuid it reads "Eng. sample"? What the hell that mean anyone has idea?Could you guys check does ...
Hello.I have brand new X570 Crosshair VIII motherboard, and ASUS 2080Ti card, as well as ASUS monitor. I tried every trick in these forums, and actually repair upgraded my Windows (no way Im gonna reinstall from scratch because of this bs). And It wo...
Hello.I have Hero + Ryzen 3900x, and I have unbelievable bad boot times. I cant get into Windows with restarting in under 50 seconds! I have tryed propably all choices from BIOS (702, newest) and usiing some combinations I get to like 48 seconds, som...
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