Patricko wrote:Hey there.I don't know if it's me or this noises sounds kinda weird... It's not HDD because sound goes more from the battery side.The sound stops when I disconnect charger cable, so is it really from battery? Is that normal? I'm also s...
Franck1997 wrote:I can hear the sound when the computer is idle. When I want to play a game, I switch the computer to a balanced mode. When a game runs, the fans are so loud that I can't hear anything. However, when I don't play any games, I switch t...
Franck1997 wrote: the sound a normal occurence for asus laptops just like coil whining?Thanks in advance.To me, seems a normal hdd noise. But what are you doing? When is not use it go on sleep.steve888 wro...
hexaae wrote:There are some thin and sensitive fans spinning internaly, as we all know, and you have to consider that wrong slope could affect rotation and fans wear: these laptops are engineered to stay parallel to the soil. Some technicians discour...