Hello all,I have a few year old motherboard that I just installed an Alphacool ES High Flow and Temperature Sensor with RPM Signal. I have hooked it to my motherboard's W_FLOW and W_IN and it works great in the BIOS.What are my options in software t...
Hello, I currently have RamCache II installed and working Great! What is the difference between II and III? If it is better, do I need to uninstall 2 before installing 3 ?Thank you
Is it possible to have one zone rainbow and the other zones static? What I ultimately would like to do is keep my memory on Lightning mode, and have all the other zones a static color. Is this possible?
I installed new Trident Royal RGB memory and the AUS AURA SYNC software see it just fine. I am able to do everything with it except when computer goes to sleep all the other items go out but the RAM stays lighted up. Is this fixable?
Hello MFrost,I have the exact issue you have. To verify the issue I used Armory_Crate_Uninstall_Tool and my problem went away. Then used ArmoryCrateInstallTool to reinstall and problem came back. Just like you it affects my external USB drive. I ...
I would like to see a way to set the RAM at either rainbow or another effect, BUT also have the ability to set other zones to STATIC color.This way my RAM could be looking nice in Lightning STORM effect and the other zones just a Static Color.
Thank you for your feedback. I found what you were talking about in the BIOS and set it to turn off the lights in Sleep etc. But the RAM still lights up.
Thank you both for your replies. I have reached out to ASUS for help as I wanted to update my memory that I have been using for a few years now to RGB. ASUS submitted to engineering dept to update the QVL but that may take a few months. He did als...