They're still probably pretty happy though. 1.1million sales in the first week i think? But you're right. I wonder how many people like us who WERE planning on getting it, now will bypass it after the launch debacle?
Are you sure? Because no matter how much GPU grunt you have, it's not going to be consistenly accessing them. I think it's a poorly optimised game myself. You need an absolute beast of a system to run it on all settings with v-sync at the moment. To ...
Wow, what a question! Answer- No way!With all the problems they've been having, not a chance in heck would I touch it. I loved simcity 4 but had to stop playing it due to the feeling that I was wasting my life away. I was curious about the new sim ci...
Yeah I played crysis 3. I've played all of them, the original is still one of my favourite SP FPSs. But I think Crysis 3 is the worst of the 3. 80% is drab, war torn areas. I don't care how nice the gfx are, it's depressing to be always lying in the ...