Level 7
since ‎02-04-2014

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Trying to update from 3008 to 6401 but when I select "yes" to read the file my system locks up. Are other people having this issue?
Just wanted to express my love for the fact that now my system will run at 3200mhz even though it took almost a year. I just went into the bios set timings and frequency and boda-bing boda-boom!
Hey everyone,Ever since Ryzen released I complained to the ends of the earth about how my memory would not run at it's designed speed (3200mhz). I just accepted that it was because of a new platform and it would resolve over time with bios updates. ...
Hey Everyone,The last couple of post I have made were pertaining to running memory @ 3200mhz. After my last post I started to dive into this issue more and found something interesting and I'm not sure what to make of it. Back when Ryzen first came ...
Hey everyone! My idle temps seem to get to a certain point lets say 40*C and will drop 1/2 degree per second. Once the cpu hits 30*C it will jump back up to 40*C for no reason and repeat the process, any ideas? I'm running a completely fresh install ...