So I've printed and secured a fan to the m.2 fan holder but can't seem to find a good way to attach it. Has anyone had any luck? It looks like I need longer screws and spacers or standoffs.
I also have a similar issue with just a more basic USB SD card reader. I don't have any internal hub going but I do have a number of external USB devices connected at boot time: keyboard, mouse, webcam, mic, DACSent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapata...
This is an old article but I don't think these concepts have changed.,2817,2164432,00.aspGetting to 3600MHz may not be possible or desirable. I think performance peaks at around or just above 3200MHz. You'll likely ne...
I'm running my rig with Arch Linux. Ryzen benefits from the latests kernel. If you want to run with Ubuntu and you can get something installed I recommend installing the latest 4.11 or 4.12 kernel from