Level 7
since ‎08-18-2012

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Hi, AllI have an Asus G74SX-XT1.The hard drive crashed on it.I have no problem putting in a new one.However, when I tried to download the Win 7 ISO, I got the message that since my computer came with windows installed by the manufacturer, thekey was ...
I have an Asus G74s Series.I want to replace the current 500 gbhard drive with a 1 tb one.What are the specs for a new one?Looking at a Seagate Momentus, 2.5", 5400 rpm.All help would be muchly appreciated.
Hi, AllThis is my first time posting. Glad to be here.I sure hope someone can help me.I have just discovered that my g74sx has no numlock.I need to use alt codes.Is there anyway I can do this?My bios version is 201.I have read tho, that the 202 versi...