Well, I tested the new v1104 BIOS and my triple cold boot problem is gone. I've set the bios exactly the way I had it when the triple boot occured, but my system now boots to POST instantly from a cold state.So the problem I had with the board has be...
Today I've recieved an e-mail from ASUS. They tell me there is a new BIOS v.1104 that should fix the cold boot problem with the ASUS Maximus VII Hero. I'm at work atm so havent had the change to test is myself yet, but other people found that it inde...
I've just flashed my BIOS back to v401, and no more triple boots!When I change a setting in the BIOS (for example XMP profile) I still get a double boot. Probably because the MB checks if there is an overclock feature enabled and reboots using those ...
Here is the response from ASUS Taiwan.Thank you for your e-mail.We have received confirmation from our R&D department that the double boot after the PSU power cut is normal for this type of motherboard.They state that executing a full reset after the...
Hello Raja,I don't mind the LED's. In fact they look really good in my casemod. I was more worried about the double boot and found it strange the LED's stayed on when the PC was turned off.I've contacted the ASUS techdesk again and told them what you...