I have problems with bclk overclocking on c6h + 3600x(7403, 0075, 7501). If bclk set more than 100, 3600x will stuck on 38.5x with 1.09v. No boost and no idle frequency reset. Anyone get such issue? Is there any workaround for this?
Rockford wrote:Hello..Yeah thats a killer dual channel memory frequency there, and skills ))4000mhzYour CPU seem to be having a very good IMCjust because it's 1 dimm per channel mobo
Rockford wrote:bios ver 1003 and memory overclockingthe speed can be raised from 2400mhz->3466mhz = OK(generally no issues with board locking up)bios ver 1103The system have very easy to lock up beyond any sense with even moderate memory overclocking...