So many people have had problems with tis monitor you have been a very fortunate one ..If it aint broke dont fix it brother just enjoy your great display you obviously cant find anything wrong with it I just returned the PG348Q and am ordering this...
I just got the PG348Q and it runs smooth I came from the acer predator XB241Hu at 165Hz the drop to 100 isnt that bad while it is somewhat noticeable I still enjoy it and its still consistently smooth ... my only gripe is the BLB in all four corner...
cljustin wrote:It looks acceptable to me, it is just one of the drawbacks of having an IPS panel. I suggest you set brightness between 30-50, and blue light levels to 4.I have the PG348Q and you are right about tuning the brightness and setting the b...
Claudiu Angelo wrote:I just bought one PG348Q. Nice monitor, nice color, g-sync woks well. But one thing bothers me.For this type of panel is normal this type of bleeding at corners. Come from 27 Dell U2711.I have an image attachment make it with ipk...