I traced the keys that would kill the pc to nvidia global keys. Then started from there by uninstalling everything nvidia related. Reinstalled and problem persisted. Reinstalled again , but without experience and audio driver and it fixed it . Good t...
Had the same issue with my laptop when i bought it a year ago . Pressing certain buttons laptop would just instantly power off , like a short circuit would occur. In my case the problem was the Nvidia driver - uninstalled everything and installed ne...
Just to make it clear running at 3,9 GHz on all cores instead of base clock , does not mean you will double your fps so there is no reason for you to ever run 6 cores on 3,9 unless you are doing some sort of synthetic tests. But there will be a ma...
in Power settings set Maximum processor state to 99% or use ThrottleStop and disable Turbo Boost . You won't notice any performance difference in games but your CPU temps will decrease a lot .