ftln46 wrote:You tell him . . .Something to note - Dont wait for Asus to update drivers on your motherboards product page, you'll be waiting a long time, but do check for bios updates if you are encountering some stability issues (beware, newer bios...
^^^ What he said. The VCORE reported in the MOBO subsection of the Sensor Status window in HWINFO should be reporting the VCORE accurately even with SVID disabled. It's what I use: Here's a slightly on topic question. Anyone know if there is a way t...
Noticed an oddity with my wake issue that I had not noticed b4. From full power down off it responds the same way as if I try to wake from sleep. If it hit a key on the keyboard, the KB lights up.. but no HD or monitor activity. When I hit the power ...
Phillyflyer wrote:The issue you are having was addressed in a previous thread..."Bios 1602"....the bios version is 99.9% not the issue.You could be 100% right.. I'd like to have a copy anyway just in case. I'm not seeing anything from ASUS indicating...
Phillyflyer wrote:Your problem from waking properly from sleep mode and not booting is most likely vcore related. 5.0ghz @ 1.225v seems to be an extremely low vcore to have that chip stable. By default the chip has a vcore of 1.30-1.31v....What stabi...