karserasl wrote:User interaction? Access locally? LOOOOOOLL!https://repl.it/repls/DeliriousGreenOxpeckerCheck it out if you didnt patch your BIOS. Its a small test reading your WHOLE chrome session from memory. (OK not whole session, its a test. It w...
mscaf wrote:How did you manage to update?I'm assuming he modded the BIOS himself. I rather not risk doing that on my brand new laptop.. lol Maybe I have to do it on my old desktop machine, and I sort of doubt they even have microcode out for it yet...
Silent Scone wrote:This is due to the driver not being present at boot, thus before hand-off, the older microcode is still present whilst the OS is loading. Best thing to do is to wait for the UEFI update.Yeah in theory if there ever is a BIOS upd...
AndyU wrote:At first, thank you for the URL to the binary2ascii microcode converter!Two questions:1) Did you try to restart computer? MIcrocode could survive during this process.2) Do you have registry keys (https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/...
well got home and my girlfriend's AMD machine wouldn't load anymore.. Then later I found this on the web below about the patch being pulled.. What a mess this is turning out to be and I wonder how many people don't even know they need the BIOS update...