Level 7
since ‎02-09-2019

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Hello.The new BIOS Version 1403 for the Encore is really buggy.Cannot pass the advertised QVL DRAM speed of 4266mhz or even 4000mhz, even on default BIOS settings on bootup it would spew random errors ieCODE-00 CODE-D7 CODE-47CODE-49CODE-BDCODE-60Wou...
Hello.This Asus Encore is garbage, had to buy this crap since Asus never fixed the Omega Detect Memory.So I have the Omega and Encore, both are absolute garbage.WTF is going off with this black screen on Windows Login? I have tried both CSM enabled/d...
Hello.Bashing my head against the wall here trying to fix this mess, every day on a cold boot the motherboard refuses to post stating a CODE EE which is apparently a 'future error'? What the hell does that mean? We bought 4266mhz RAM and they wont ev...