Oh ... maybe I forgot something. Sorry for this inconvenience.Did it again. Hopefully complete now. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqVNqlE7WQvUgbJFJf_M-4n_APhIDA?e=Cfvaj0
hey. I found something about the 3V electrolytic capacitors APAQ AR5K SeriesPartnumber: 3R0AR5K821M06X8Cand the 25V electrolytic capacitors:APAQ AVEA SeriesPartnumber: 250AVEA270M0606Look in the datasheets. ESR and so on is given, so it´s possible to...
There are four on the board, you can see them. You need additional 4 soldered lying at boards bottom side so that the board will fit in its case.... ah yeah... you got it. Saw your edit Possibly you can add a 5th to the top side with bottom side in...