SuperRichioROG wrote:Hello All,Bios 5220 Agesa ABBA is live you flashed your board with it yet? What's been your experience with it?
SuperRichioROG wrote:Hello all,Can I ask everyone's experience witch this BIOS? I skipped the previous update as I thought this one wouldn't be too far away?I'm running an R5 3600 with no obvious issue at all with my current bios (5008).That said I d...
Equinox187 wrote:That is still pretty high, reguardless of bios version my 1600 when OC to 3.8GHz accross all cores only goes as high as 1.29Well, obviously I didn't win the silicon lottery, but it's an improvement for me nonetheless.
I updated to bios 4011 from version 3401. The first thing I noticed was that my Ryzen 5 1600 CPU overclock no longer needed as much voltage to get the same result. The best result I was able to get with bios 3401 was 3.8GHz at 1.4 volts, but with Bio...
The newest bios for the Strix B350-F board was released on 4/27/18. It's bios version 4011