I am also very afraid.The previous version fixes my issues.But now there is an issue with keyboard backlight - it disappears and lights when the battery has about 50% of charge.
Hi everyonedo you have issues with the keyboard backlight?because suddenly it disappeared for me.Also I have noticed a fresh version of Keyboard Adjustment Tools on the asus site, from 07.12.2016Has anyone verified it?
Guys,before install the new version of Keyboard Adjustment Tools (and it works for me), I verified all drivers and utils from the asus site and updated them to the last.especially ATK Package.maybe, this package has old version for you. So try to upd...
I am so happy I tried to reinstall the last version.The first attempt was fail But I reinstalled it again and it works.Also after restarting of my laptop light bars and the bottom bar are lit also )))Yoho!!!
It was the same for me - the first install was fail and the keyboard did not work.The Device Manager did not show any keyboards.I made restart Windows, and returned back to the previous story point via Control Panel\System and Security\System - Advan...