Hi everyone,Got my problem fixed by Ayhan in less than 5 minutes. He got my keyboard to show up on device manager like it was nothing. Community members like him are the reason we thrive. Since im overseas and couldn't get my laptop to a shop, this w...
Still with the same issue after every fix suggested.Added Bogdan and Ayhan hoping they'l fix the non existent keyboard.Will reply after. Thank you all either way.
Saw on asus driver page a bios update to fix keyboard issue.Tried to update using winflash, but it says the version is older and wont let me do anything.Still hoping someone finds a solution for me =\
Starrbuckk wrote:I uninstalled the grey one and restarted the laptop, now it doesnt show. Il try reinstalling what u said and post back. Thank youInfo on all i have right now.Reinstalled everything on the list and still doesnt work. Nothing changed o...
BogdanCiulei wrote:I bet that the one that's saying not working is your actual Asus keyboard. If you can go to properties -> details and select Hardware IDs from the dropdown, then screen shot that, we can check.You have three HID devices under keybo...