I did the same thing with openning my laptop and just strengthen the connection. Meanwhile bios 310 come along. I am not sure which helped, but now its working without sound fluctations.
Fleeties wrote:So far the company undertaking the repairs have notified me I may need to wait longer because they have to order the parts from ASUS. This would indicate it WAS a hardware issue (likely the right speaker) in my caseThank you for the re...
Fleeties wrote:Sent my unit for repair here in the UK - I'll endeavour to update this thread with any updates / resolution. My issues are as described in this thread - thanks to everyone contributing with potential fixes. Nothing resolved the fluctua...
For those who sent their laptops to the service, did it help? I am struggling with this issue more then two months. I tried everything that I could think of. I am starting to believe that the issue is not in the drivers but in fault hardware. That's ...