Level 10
since ‎08-06-2012

User Statistics

  • 155 Posts
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  • 10 Kudos given
  • 12 Kudos received

User Activity

G'Day Gent'sJust want to ask a about a network monitoring tool that will be able to monitor the bandwith usage of all users on a wifi network with the possabilities of regulating there up/down speeds and the amount of data that can be set for each ...
Well haven't been on here for a while..(been a little crook)so here is a pick of me RIG , nothing special as i have seen here on the forums ( you guys blow me away with you're mods ).It's not at a desk as i cannot bring meself to sit at a desk....i l...
u got a micx ??... le us talk sit http://ts3server://
G'day Gent's have downloaed all the appropiate drivers that i should need to upgrage to Win8 from Win 7 ..(Clean install )Is it worth doing yet or wait for service pack 1 ?
G'day Gent's , just putting out something out early for my self satisfaction and trust in you're answers , Well i had to buy a new cheap case with some high air flow for my CVF - as mother board Temps were a little high ( not to my happiness ) and it...